Health & Hygiene
Our Nursery Cook is responsible for all food preparation and is the only person involved the purchase, storage, preparation and serving of food to prevent growth of bacteria and food contamination.
We have a hygiene protocol which sets out the daily opening and closing checks on the kitchen to ensure standards are met consistently.
We use reliable suppliers for the food we purchase.
Food is stored at correct temperatures and is checked to ensure it is in-date and not subject to contamination by pests, rodents or mould.
Packed lunches are stored in a cool place; un-refrigerated food is served to children within 4 hours of preparation at home.
Food preparation areas are cleaned before use as well as after use.
There are separate facilities for hand-washing and for washing up.
All surfaces are clean and non-porous.
All utensils, crockery etc. are clean and stored appropriately.
Waste food is disposed of daily.
Cleaning materials and other dangerous materials are stored out of children’s reach and comply with COSSH standards.
Children do not have access to the Kitchen and will not be unsupervised during periods of access to the Servery.