Our Nursery
The Nursery Team
Nurturing & Learning
Parent Partnership
Careers & Development
Contact Muddy Boots
Parent Partnership

Parent Partnership

At Muddy Boots, we recognise the importance of working in a true partnership with our parents. We recognise that you provide your child’s primary care and education, and that you know your child best.  We endeavor to build the very best relationships with the parents and carers of all the children who attend the nursery. We believe in an open door policy and we will always welcome parents’ comments and observations so that we can work together to provide the right balance for your child.

Parents are always consulted on issues that affect the welfare, well-being, learning and development of their children. We ensure that your child’s key person shares information about their care and development on a regular basis and staff are always available to share information about your children on a daily basis either when dropping your child off or collecting them. In addition you are always welcome to speak to members of senior management.

Throughout your child’s time at Muddy Boots we will observe and monitor your child’s progress, and record this in their ‘Learning Journey’.  You will be welcome to view this at any time through our on-line portal, although you may prefer to attend one of our parent evenings held throughout the year.

We will also keep you updated with regular newsletters detailing events within the nursery and questionnaires enabling us to evaluate the services we provide for you and your child at Muddy Boots. We will explore with you the best way to keep you in touch and updated with your child’s progress.

Parent Communication

We want to ensure that you have every opportunity to contact us whenever you need to via telephone, e-mail or online, face-to-face at open days, parent evenings and at the nursery.

The Muddy Boots team are here to support you through throughout and will discuss your needs, respond to any questions you might have and help to arrange a visit to the nursery by booking an appointment to suit you.

You can speak to our team 5 days a week during Nursery opening hours on 01753 303406, Monday to Friday. Alternatively, you can e-mail us at enquiries@mbdn.co.uk.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

Parents Room

Another unique aspect of the Muddy Boots approach is the provision of a room specifically for our parents. This wood paneled room is at the historic heart of the house, and is a space created just for our parents. This is a space to relax and unwind away from your child, either before collection or after dropping off.

The room is equipped with wide screen TV and Wi-Fi and comfortable furnishings. New parents can use the room as a base during the settling in period and it’s the ideal place to discuss your child’s progress or to meet the team away from the busy children’s rooms.

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