"He adores all the staff and loves every moment"

"Nothing but the best standards of care in mind"

"We always feel informed and updated"

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Nurturing & Learning
Parent Partnership
Careers & Development
Contact Muddy Boots


Some recent testimonials and comments from our parents.

  • "I remain as delighted as I always have been with the care you give our son, he benefits hugely from his time at nursery. He adores all the staff and loves every moment!

    We really appreciate the effort you all put in to running Muddy Boots and we constantly sing your praises to friends, relatives and colleagues."

  • "At the end of the nursery day staff are always free and willing to chat to us about how our child is doing and we always feel that they have time for us, however busy they are!

    It is also nice that someone is always at the door to meet us and they always have a smile on their face. Puts us as parents in the right mood to see our child again even after a bad day at work.

    Thank you."

  • "We have recommended Muddy Boots to other parents. We don't know why we would have done without the support and empathy of the Muddy Boots staff. We always feel informed and updated with Muddy Boots management and staff and suggestions are always delivered in a sensitive manner. We have nothing but positive things to say about Muddy Boots and look forward to our new little one having a great experience like our son.

    Thank you for looking after him so well!"

  • "My daughter has been at Muddy Boots now for nearly 10 months & in that time her development has come on in leaps & bounds. I am more than satisfied with the care that she gets, the interaction she receives, the healthy balance of food and overall fun, enjoyment and attention she gets.

    I genuinely feel that the Management & staff at Muddy Boots have nothing but the best standards of care in mind when dealing with my child"

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